Lose weight in a safe and sustainable manner without restrictions or giving up your favourite foods!
“… and have lost 30 lbs since I started working with her. My relationship with food has completely changed.…”
Weight Loss Programs and more!
I will show you how to lose weight in a safe and sustainable manner without restrictions or giving up your favourite foods so you never have to go on a diet again.
You will not only learn how to lose weight, you learn how to keep the weight off. This is often overlooked in fad diets or quick-fix weight-loss diets as they don’t teach you how to develop the mindset and behaviour that is needed to truly make a change to your lifestyle. You often try to fit your lifestyle into a new diet which pretty much sucks the fun out of life and then you stop that diet and gain the weight back. My program has a heavy focus on teaching you how to fit small but effective changes to your current lifestyle. I can’t stress enough how important it is to eat foods your love and to include your cultural foods. This is why I always say that the best diet for weight loss is the one that you can maintain long – term.
What to Expect when working together:
Ditch the yo-yo diet mentality, prepare to learn and implement credible nutrition strategies for sustainable weight loss
You will collaborate with a registered dietitian and weight-loss expert to craft a lifestyle you are proud of!
1x 60-minute initial assessment
Bi-weekly follow-ups
Get Access to a secure client portal/app to track your food intake to receive feedback from your dietitian in between sessions
A secure live chat to communicate with your dietitian in between sessions
A well structured yet flexible eating plan based on your target calories and macronutrient for weight loss
Strategies to develop discipline and motivation to stay on track with your weight loss goals
How to address emotional eating or eating out of boredom
The ideal amount of protein to eat for your metabolism and weight loss
The ideal amount of carbohydrates to eat for weight loss
The ideal amount of fats to eat for weight loss
How to include the right type of fibre rich foods to improve your gut health and improve your satiety levels
Supplement review and recommendation
Water target based on your body weight

Weight Loss Coaching is for you if…
You are ready to ditch the yo-yo diet mentality
You are prepared to learn and implement credible nutrition strategies for sustainable weight loss
You are open to collaborating with a registered dietitian and weight loss expert to craft a lifestyle you are proud of